Hey Stamford, your weather outlook for today is a mostly-sunny 83 degrees with an evening that dips to about 65 degrees, according to Weather.com. Tide charts show low tide hitting around 11:41 a.m. and high tide at around 5:27 a.m. and 5:50 p.m.
In local government, the WPCA Board has a meeting, and a special meeting is scheduled for Harbor Management, among others. The Traffic Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday is cancelled.
The High Ridge Shopping Center's Farmer's Market is still going on through October on Wednesdays starting at 10 a.m., so get down there while there's still time.
On Wednesday night, kicking off at 7:30 p.m., the Avon Theater is featuring The Kinks 2: Rare Clips (1960s-1980s) Presented by Shelley Archives Legends of Rock Live program and hosted by music archivist Bill Shelley.
Stamford has a Pick-Up Soccer Group meet Wednesday, so if you want to get out and run around for a bit, grab some shin guards and go have a blast.
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